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Art and modern symbols


Since ancient times, art has always been present to express emotions and mark historical  events through painting, dancing, acting, songs and folk tales. Cave painting were one of the  first forms of art and they give extensive information about how life was back then. During this  challenge, fifth graders are having the opportunity to analyze how art has evolved and they  even got to create their own cave paintings using colored paper, similar to a rock or cave, chalk  dust form their colored pencils to make pigments. They couldn’t use their fingers, in order to  understand that in the past, no paint brushes existed, they painted with tools or with their  hands.  

Students created their own cave painting with symbols, but the difference is that the symbols  needed to be modern to understand that art is associated with history, economics, politics and  social problems, according to a specific time and period.  

The kids were enthusiastic and proactive while doing the activity. We hope you pictures!  

Estefanía Carrillo 


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Sales Project (stage 1)

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Inauguración de las cuatro aulas de Primaria

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La Granja en Maternal

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